Pinterest Marketing for Shopify Owners | Crystal Waddell

Pinterest Verified Merchant Program [5 Tips For Beginners]

by Crystal Waddell on Jul 13, 2022

get verified merchant status on Pinterest for your Shopify Store

Do you want to be able to sell on Pinterest?

Do you have a shopify store and not sure how to get started with the pinterest verified merchant program?

This post is for you. If you want to be able to use all the features that come with being a verified seller, then read on!

Quick question, my friend: do you have verified merchant status for Pinterest?‍

If the answer is YES, then you will have a little blue checkmark next to your username (like mine in the picture.)‍

However, if the answer is NO, there’s a few things you’re missing out on that you might want to know about!

For instance, In Pinterest Past and Current, the Pinterest Explore page has always been the bread and butter of bloggers.

Now, e-commerce has a new home: the Shop page!‍

Also, getting verified on Pinterest means that your pins will get extra special attention on the shop page!

📌 Do you want to get “verified merchant status” for your Pinterest account?‍

It’s the little blue check that allows your product pins to be “shoppable” on Pinterest!!!

If you are an e-commerce or product seller, this is a no-brainer!‍ 

Then you will unlock even more Pinterest marketing capabilities!

If yes, follow these few steps to make it happen‍:

1️⃣ First, you’ll need a Pinterest Business Account (not a personal Pinterest Account).

Pinterest has launched the Shopify Pinterest integration to help companies drive sales through Pinterest.

When you are signed up with Pinterest through Shopify, all of your products will be available on board so that they can get more traffic from different sources including social media marketing channels.

This way it is easier for your customers to see your store and find what they want quickly.

apply for the verified merchant program

2️⃣ Second, you’ll need to Connect Your Product Catalog (for the love of all that’s good, get Shopify).

For Shopify sellers:

All you have to do is log in to your Shopify site dashboard and add the Pinterest App. Then watch the magic unfold.

Because you’ve already connected your Shopify store to Pinterest, the data will automatically be pulled into this account.

And that means you can start using business accounts right away!

No extra hassle with codes, spreadsheets or special knowledge necessary.

3️⃣ Next, make sure you have a visible shipping policy on your home page and throughout your Shopify store.

People are often hesitant to buy online.

One of the main reasons is that they're not sure if their order will be delivered in a timely manner, or at all.

If you have an e-commerce store and your shipping policy isn't visible on every page then it's time for you to take action! 

It's a requirement for Verified Merchant Status. My solution: add it to your footer menu.

This way when shoppers are viewing your products they'll know exactly how much it costs. 

There will be zero surprises when checking out.

4️⃣ Then, add a terms of service page to your Shopify store.

One of the most important, yet often overlooked aspects of any business website is a terms and conditions page.

This document does two things; it helps you protect your business from liability by articulating what users should expect.

a terms of service page also communicates to visitors that their information will be kept private.

If you’re not sure where to start or don't know how much detail to include in this type of contract, Shopify provides a template for you to modify, which I love.  

5️⃣ Finally, make you you have a visible returns policy on each page.

The takeaway here is that you should have an easy to access returns policy. Again, I put mine in the footer menu.

If it’s difficult for your customers to return their purchase, they are more likely to leave negative reviews and share their experience on social media.

This will also impact the likelihood of future purchases from other shoppers who see these bad reviews or comments about how hard it was to get a refund.

By making sure you offer clear instructions on returning items,  you are also building a trustworthy online reputation.

Why do Ecommerce store owners get denied to the Verified Merchant Program on Pinterest?

If you are missing any of these items, your application will get denied (mine did, several times. First it was 2️⃣, than 3️⃣, than 4️⃣, than 5!)

If that happens to you, send Pinterest an email for help. 

You can also self-assess with this guide.

Then you make the necessary changes and re-submit your application!

In summary, I am so happy that I have been able to participate in the Verified Merchant Program for Pinterest!

Please let me know if you need any help with the process!

The Pinterest Verified Merchant program is a great opportunity for Shopify ecommerce sellers.

It's free to sign up, and it could give you the edge your business needs to grow in 2022 and beyond.

What are your thoughts on this? Shoot me an email and let me know, or respond below!

That’s all for now! Drop any questions below!

Good luck and happy Shopify and Pinterest marketing!

About the Author:

Crystal Waddell is a Pinterest expert and marketing strategist who helps creative entrepreneurs build profitable businesses. Crystal started her own company in 2013 and went full-time with it in 2021.

Our mission is to educate and empower 1000 entrepreneurs with the knowledge and confidence to use digital business tools and build a sustainable, algorithm-proof online business.

For more tips on growing your business with Pinterest and SEO, fill out our "SEO-ify My Shopify" application and follow @pinshopify on Instagram!





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